The best questions, and those most likely to be selected, are not just an interaction, but build on the themes and learning objectives of the lesson. Is your question relevant to the thousands of other students taking part?
We prefer relevant questions. If your question is considered off-topic, it probably won't get answered.
We prefer non-controversial questions. While we appreciate tough questions on sensitive subjects, questions that are too controversial in nature are far less likely to be selected. Any questions that are offensive will not be accepted by the moderator and will not appear in the interaction app.
We prefer non-leading questions. Instead of asking "Isn't it better if everybody became vegan?", ask "What can we cut out of our diet to help make a positive change?"
We prefer open and 'non-googleable questions'. For example, instead of asking "What is the biggest shark in the world?", ask "What is your favourite shark in the world?"
A 'non-googleable question' is a question that can't be answered using a search engine. Examples include:
"What has been the best thing you have seen on the coral reef?"
"How do you feel about climate change?"
"What challenges have you faced in your work?"
When you take part in a live lesson, you aren't talking to a computer! Our speakers are experts in their field and ready to make live lessons a bespoke experience for your class.
Don't be afraid of fun questions! Questions such as "How does an owl poo?" or "What is the most disgusting thing you have seen?" are inquisitive and help make live lessons a fun and memorable educational experience.